Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Should we Abolish the Supreme Court

Should we Abolish the Supreme Court?


Before we are able to answer the main question of this post; we should know some of the basic facts of the Supreme Court and what they do. The Supreme Court is consisted of nine justices who don't necessarily have a law background, but most of them do. There are no restrictions as who can be a justice because the Constitution does not place limitations on who can or can not be a justice. Within a year the court receives around 7,000 to 8,000 cases to review, but they are able to pick and choose which ones they would like to look at. They typically are able to hear 70-80 cases.

Going back to our main discussion; recently the Supreme Court's credibility has been in question. The most recent case is the Brett Kavanaugh and the whole debacle behind that. Others that come up would be legalizing same sex marriage and praying in public schools. The Supreme Court has denied rights and have disappointed the public for many years now. The highest part of the governmental branch has been passing vague laws that can interpreted in many different ways and can become very confusing. Many people believe that the Supreme Court has too much authority and the other lower branches of government can't do much to fix it. The only remotely way to change the Supreme Court would be adding a new member of justice once one of them steps down. This can be in one's favor depending on their political views. The newest member is Brett Kavanaugh and he was sworn in by Chief Justice John Roberts. Kavanaugh mostly sides with the Republican party with four other justices. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Hong Kong Protests

What You Need to Know About the Hong Kong Protests


In the last few months, Hong Kong has been protesting against mainland China because China has been impeding on them and violating their rights as citizens. Hong Kong is special because they were once ruled by the United Kingdom. When the UK gave them to China, they agreed they would be "One country, Two systems." 

This policy was supposed to last for 50 years, but China has been starting to control them. The protestors started off calm, but it soon escalated to violent riots. There are five main demands that the protestors are protesting for and that is: withdraw the bill (extradition bill), leader Carrie Lam should step down, inquiry into police brutality due to a woman getting hurt in the eye, if people have been arrested they should be released and finally and most importantly, greater democratic freedoms.

These protests are going to continue until Hong Kong's government puts their foot down and demands China to step back. They are not part of China as of right now and they have more democratic freedoms. There has been a viral photo traveling around the internet and it is the American flag being held in front of the protestors.

The United States is the poster child for freedom of speech and a democratic country. Hong Kong aspires to have a system like ours and therefore our flag is being flown to resemble freedom.

Our not so private life

Thoughts on Privacy After watching the Ted Talks that were linked to our class for today I was very intrigued by one certain video. Th...