Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Our not so private life

Thoughts on Privacy

After watching the Ted Talks that were linked to our class for today I was very intrigued by one certain video. This video was about how police enforcement have all of our data and are storing it just in case. They capture our license plate number wherever we go and they store it in their massive data base. So far they haven't used this data on an average human being. They are just storing it just in case. This Ted Talk in particular was very opposed to this idea. I for one, am not. I don't mind having my license plate picture taken.

I am a young female in college. My parents have my tracking wherever I go. This is because hundreds if not thousands of girls each and every day go missing in the U.S. If the government is taking pictures of where I am and keeping track of others, it will be easier for them and faster to track me down as where I am. I almost feel safer knowing that people are able to help me by using this high technology in order to solve crimes. I get where people are coming from and how it's creepy in most ways, but there are so many people out in the world who have bad intentions. With all of the crimes that are being committed, we are able to stop them faster and catch people doing horrible things. 

The other video that I thought was interesting was how Apple is actually helping us maintain our privacy when using their apps for FaceTiming and messages. It is unheard of companies helping their consumers maintain their privacy. If there is a way for them to make our devices private on all of our apps that would be even better.

I believe that government is only listening on our calls and other because it all comes down to safety and that people are just nosey. If one doesn't have anything to hide, then there really isn't a problem. I get why people are so against this, but if a major terror event happens, the government is able to use the information that they have previously collected and help solve the problem to whatever has happened. 

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Our not so private life

Thoughts on Privacy After watching the Ted Talks that were linked to our class for today I was very intrigued by one certain video. Th...