Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Reflection of Group 1's Presentation

Group 1

This past class we had an EOTO class period. This stands for "Each one Teach one." For this certain EOTO, a group had a certain amount of terms and had to explain to the class what each term meant. I chose to narrow in on group one's presentation. This group had terms such as: Propaganda, Disinformation, Educational Exchange Act, Total Information Awareness and False Flag. In particular I thought two terms that were taught to the class were very interesting and those were propaganda and the Education Exchange Act.

Focusing on propaganda, this is the spreading of ideas or information to overall help the public. This was initially to spread fear. It's this time of year that politicians are campaigning a lot in order to gain voters and they are doing this by bashing their opponents either on the same side of them or on the opposite political side. We are able to see different commercials about political opponents and watch them tell the audience fake information about them. The whole reason as to doing this is to gain more votes for them and to make the audience less inclined to vote for someone based on the fake facts that have been given to them. Down below I have placed examples of propaganda for this upcoming election term for 2020.

Image result for propaganda examples 2020 election

As you can see above, this is a form of propaganda from the Trump campaign. The middle one is a great example because this is spreading fear to the public because it makes them question if America's safety is really at risk. Some might believe that since this is from the Trump campaign; he will be able to insure safety to the nation and therefore they will vote for him. 

The other term that I thought was interesting to learn about was the Educational Exchange Act. This is when the United States creates a better understanding of our country and teaches it to other countries. I feel as though this act has been very beneficial to the many nations because now in the business world, if you don't speak English and you want your company to be widely known, then you won't succeed. Most deals are done in English and many people know our customs. Since we are spreading knowledge about our country, we should be doing the same here. Many people from the U.S. are not from here and it would be nice to learn about other customs that are practiced around the world.

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