Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Roger's Diffusion of Innovations: Venmo

How has Venmo Changed the World?


As college students and young adults, we don't carry cash with us. If we do, then it is probably less than $20. There is no need for cash for us anymore because we have many different forms to pay without using cash, such as using our debit cards, Apple pay and now there is Venmo. Venmo has changed the way we look at how we are spending money. Venmo is an app that is free and it is very simple to use. You are able to hook up your bank account to Venmo and your friends are able to send you money and vice versa. An example would be if you and a friend were out to dinner and you forgot your wallet. You are able to pull out your phone, search your friend on Venmo and type in the amount of money you want to send them. With one click they are able to have it in their "Venmo balance." From that point, the friend is either able to direct deposit the money right into their bank account immediately for a slight charge, or they are able to deposit it into their account for free, but it will take three to five business days. So how did this all start?

Two college students, Andrew Kortina and Iqram Magdon-Ismail were students at the University of Pennsylvania. The early stages of how Venmo came to be was that they both went to a concert for a weekend and one of them forgot their wallet; for the whole weekend only one person was paying for the trip and by the end the person who forgot their wallet had to write a check. They were thinking that there must be a much simpler way to send each other money.

Today in class we learned about Roger's Diffusion of Innovations and our example that we used was cable television. There were five major sections that we broke up the idea into that was part of a bell curve and those were: Pioneers/ Innovators, Early adaptors, Early majority, Late adaptors and Laggards. I have been able to break down how Venmo was created in these stages.

Pioneers and Innovators

Kortina and Magdon-Ismail were the first two to come up with the idea. In 2009 they came up with a system by paying over text and just writing their name and how much money they are giving. They soon realized that they needed to distinguish what each payment was for, so they would write one or two words to go along with it. This would later adapt into emoji's. In 2010, they raised $1.2 million seed money through financing round

Early Adapters

In 2012, Braintech which is a fintech payment company aquired them because they were able to see their potential. The app also opened to the public in 2012 and after their final quarter of that year, the app had $59 million of mobile transactions.

Early Majority

By 2013, the first quarter processed $81 million and Braintech was acquired by PayPal for $800 million.

Late Adaptors

In 2017, they have processed $8 billion and it keeps growing from there.

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I have not listed the Laggards part of the bell curve because I believe that Venmo will continue to rise for a while until something new and better comes up and so far there isn't one yet. Venmo has truly changed the way people go out to eat and go shopping in general and it has changed for the better by making people's lives easier.

Sources down below:

Monday, October 28, 2019

Individual Self-Fulfillment

Self-Fulfillment. What is it?


After I graduate from college, I hope for a well paying job that I love and that I can move up in the ranks. I also hope to one day start a family and live a picture perfect life. All of my hopes and desires are categorized as self-fulfillment or self-actualization. One of the definitions that seemed to resonate with me the most was, "Self-fulfillment, is the combination of the hopes we have for our lives as well as the plan we create for achieving them." Self-Fulfillment Definition. 

The main topic that came to my mind when thinking about this was the American Dream. The American Dream can mean anything people want it to mean. In most cases, people nowadays come to this country to start all over and to make something of themselves. They had a burning passion to make a name for themselves and they had all of these hopes and desires to make their lives the best that it can be. This could be working all day and night, but you would be coming home to a loving home with your white picket fence and to your wife who you had two kids with and of course the family dog. 

When our forefathers came together to write the Constitution, they specifically put in freedom of speech. We today are now able to write about what we want to and say in what we believe in out loud without being punished. Of course there are some restraints, but for the most part we have the freedom to do so. Since we have this right, we as students are able to write these blog posts and put our own personality into it. 

I chose this speech theory because I find it interesting how America is like the big "melting pot" with all of our different cultures that surround us and religions that can be practiced freely along with schools who are able to teach multiple different languages without there being one right one. I attribute all of this to the first amendment and this is the American Dream that our forefathers who wrote the constitution thought of. The dream has changed since our world has changed, but the dream will still be there and it can relate back to the freedom of speech.

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Sunday, October 13, 2019

Simone Who?

Simone Biles. That's all.

Growing up I was a pretty energetic kid and my parents didn't know what to do with all of my energy. They placed me in a recreational gymnastics class and from that point on I never stopped loving the sport. I was a competitive gymnast my whole life starting at the age of six and going all the way up to my senior year of high school. I have won multiple state and regional titles during my career, but nothing compares to Simone Biles. At first I didn't know who she was, we just ended the 2012 Olympics and the U.S national team took home the gold. Now we were back to watching smaller elite competitions. In 2013 Biles won her first gold medal and it took off from there. After her win, my gymnastics gym back home was able to host her and have her speak to us. This was a life changing experience. Not only was she so humble, but she was able to give us advice about the sport in general and how to balance school and gymnastics while maintaining your grades.

Since 2013, Biles has won 24 world medals and most of them were gold. She just competed in Stuttgart, Germany at World's where she won in all-around, vault, beam and floor. As a previous gymnast, this is unheard of. When you watch her perform, you don't even believe she's human. Biles may have won 24 medals, but she now has multiple skills named after her and those include two on floor, one on beam and one on vault.

Simone Biles has also done so much for the young girls who are afraid to speak up for themselves. She is an avid speaker for the Me Too movement because she is a survivor of Larry Nassar who sexually abused her. She has asked USAG to change their ways and they are changing slowly but she wants more to happen so that the sport can be safe for everyone. Since she has such a large following, she is able to have her voice heard more and people are able to stand with her and support her. 

Above is the article about her recent medals!

Image result for simone biles stuttgart

Bush vs. DeGeneres

George W. Bush vs. Ellen DeGeneres

Can you imagine two people with completely different political views but sitting next to each other at a football game? Twitter blew up when they saw George W. Bush and Ellen Degeneres sitting beside each other and laughing. People were wondering as to why a gay Hollywood Liberal was not only sitting next to a conservative Republican president, but actually enjoying themselves and having a good time. 

It caused so much controversy that Ellen made an announcement about the whole issue on her television show the Ellen DeGeneres Show. She made a very good point when she making her speech and she said, "...just because I don't agree with someone on everything doesn't mean that I'm not going to be friends with them. When I say 'Be kind to one another,' I don't mean only the people that think the same way you do. I mean be kind to everyone. Doesn't matter."

Since she has made this announcement, it has gone viral all over different social media platforms. In todays world, especially in the U.S., people are so caught up in the politics and whose on whose side and what party they affiliate with; they don't stop and realize that in the end it doesn't matter. We are going to have presidents in the future that some people won't agree with but others will and vice versa. We are all here to make a difference in this world and people will want to leave here knowing that they made an impact in a positive way and not holding grudges or being rude to others because they don't have the same political views as you.

Above is the link to the story and feel free to comment below as to your opinions to the story!

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Postal Service

History of the Postal Service

Many of us still use the Postal Service. It's a very easy way to get a card or package from place to another in a timely manner. I use it all the time to send out cards and gifts across the country where the rest of my extended family lives such as my grandparents. How did this service even come about and what is happening today with it?

In 1775, Benjamin Franklin was appointed the first Postmaster General by Second Continental Congress and the first post office was based off in Philadelphia. Their first mission statement was,"That a line of posts be appointed under the direction of the postmaster general, from Falmouth in New England to Savannah in Georgia with as many cross points as he shall think fit." Todays mission statement and promise from them is,"Everyone has the right to equal access to secure, efficient and affordable mail service." The postal service is the second oldest federal department/agency of the U.S.

Some important dates that helped the postal service become what they are today:

1775: Ben Franklin appointed first Postmaster General
1847: U.S stamps are issued
1860: Pony Express began
1918: Scheduled Airmail service began
1963: Zip Code inaugurated
1971: USPS operations started
1994: Postal Service launched public Internet site
2006: Postal Accountability/Enhancement Act
2009: Free USPS iPhone app offered

As we can see above as the technology changed throughout the years so did the postal service. One of their newer things that they implemented is the iPhone app and if they didn't have an app or if they aren't accessible through cell phones then people wouldn't use them as often. The postal service today has over 400,000 post offices and over 212 billion pieces of mail are delivered to over 144 million homes in the U.S. With over 700 thousand workers, they are the nations largest civilian employer and the employees handle more than 44% of the worlds cards/letters. They are a non-profit organization so they make their money by selling stamps and other products such as cardboard boxes.

Question to think about:
What would happen if we got rid of the postal service? Would it impact our economy in a negative way? Answer in the comments below!

How Big is too Big?

Can an American Flag be too Big?

There is now a legal dispute between the CEO of Camping World and a small town in North Carolina because at Lemonis Gander RV Company in Statesville, NC; they have been flying a flag that was 40ft by 80ft on a 130-foot-high pole.

The resolution of the whole ordeal was that Gander was rezoned so that they were able to keep their flag up, but they had to pay a fine for it. Gander has to pay over $14,000 in fines, plus $2,000 in legal fees. Since Gander is paying these fines, Lemonis does not have to pay a $50 fine per day anymore to keep the flag up. Lemonis believes that the cities band on his large American Flag was unconstitutional and he is in it for the long haul, "We have flown this flag for a long time. As  I told the city...it's not coming down under any circumstance."

My Opinion:
I believe that if a flag is too big where it gets to the point it causes harm to the public such as people becoming distracted while driving then it should raise some questions. If people around the flag are just annoyed by it and it's not causing any other issues besides annoyance, then let it fly as high as it can. The American flag resembles what this country stands for and our amazing history, if people can't see that then they are able to ignore the flag or move away to where it doesn't bother them anymore.

Down below you are able to check out the full story. Let me know your opinions in the comments!
Too Big of a Flag

                                             Image result for camping world flag

Our not so private life

Thoughts on Privacy After watching the Ted Talks that were linked to our class for today I was very intrigued by one certain video. Th...