Monday, October 28, 2019

Individual Self-Fulfillment

Self-Fulfillment. What is it?


After I graduate from college, I hope for a well paying job that I love and that I can move up in the ranks. I also hope to one day start a family and live a picture perfect life. All of my hopes and desires are categorized as self-fulfillment or self-actualization. One of the definitions that seemed to resonate with me the most was, "Self-fulfillment, is the combination of the hopes we have for our lives as well as the plan we create for achieving them." Self-Fulfillment Definition. 

The main topic that came to my mind when thinking about this was the American Dream. The American Dream can mean anything people want it to mean. In most cases, people nowadays come to this country to start all over and to make something of themselves. They had a burning passion to make a name for themselves and they had all of these hopes and desires to make their lives the best that it can be. This could be working all day and night, but you would be coming home to a loving home with your white picket fence and to your wife who you had two kids with and of course the family dog. 

When our forefathers came together to write the Constitution, they specifically put in freedom of speech. We today are now able to write about what we want to and say in what we believe in out loud without being punished. Of course there are some restraints, but for the most part we have the freedom to do so. Since we have this right, we as students are able to write these blog posts and put our own personality into it. 

I chose this speech theory because I find it interesting how America is like the big "melting pot" with all of our different cultures that surround us and religions that can be practiced freely along with schools who are able to teach multiple different languages without there being one right one. I attribute all of this to the first amendment and this is the American Dream that our forefathers who wrote the constitution thought of. The dream has changed since our world has changed, but the dream will still be there and it can relate back to the freedom of speech.

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