Sunday, October 13, 2019

How Big is too Big?

Can an American Flag be too Big?

There is now a legal dispute between the CEO of Camping World and a small town in North Carolina because at Lemonis Gander RV Company in Statesville, NC; they have been flying a flag that was 40ft by 80ft on a 130-foot-high pole.

The resolution of the whole ordeal was that Gander was rezoned so that they were able to keep their flag up, but they had to pay a fine for it. Gander has to pay over $14,000 in fines, plus $2,000 in legal fees. Since Gander is paying these fines, Lemonis does not have to pay a $50 fine per day anymore to keep the flag up. Lemonis believes that the cities band on his large American Flag was unconstitutional and he is in it for the long haul, "We have flown this flag for a long time. As  I told the's not coming down under any circumstance."

My Opinion:
I believe that if a flag is too big where it gets to the point it causes harm to the public such as people becoming distracted while driving then it should raise some questions. If people around the flag are just annoyed by it and it's not causing any other issues besides annoyance, then let it fly as high as it can. The American flag resembles what this country stands for and our amazing history, if people can't see that then they are able to ignore the flag or move away to where it doesn't bother them anymore.

Down below you are able to check out the full story. Let me know your opinions in the comments!
Too Big of a Flag

                                             Image result for camping world flag

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